
You were born to live your dreams.

It’s your destiny.

When you fully surrender and commit, it’s then that your dreams will live you.

People may call you crazy and laugh. Some might think you are being unrealistic. Many may even ridicule you. But living your dreams won’t happen by buying into limits.

You can be reasonable when you are dead. Whilst you are alive dare to fly, reach for the sky! So what if you fall or fail? …You were born to surf the rainbows!

You can settle for the norm and listen to the naysayers in your life or you can follow your dreams.

You are either living your dream or living someone else’s dream for your life.

No one who impacted the world settled for the status quo.

No one that made a big difference listened to their excuses or that of others.

Don’t let those with small thinking limit your big vision.

Don’t let those who are playing small limit the bigness of your being.

Playing it safe will never lead to the life of your dreams. It will just lead to a life full of regrets.

Where and how are you playing it safe?

Every day you waste NOT being and doing what you were born to do is wasting the precious time that you have.

Excuses get you nowhere and simply keep you where you already are. You can believe in the ghosts of your excuses or the power of your dreams.

Some dreams you may achieve, some you may not. Either way your dreams will take you on the most amazing learning journey ever. A journey of growth and experiences beyond your wildest imagination. At the end of your life what matters most is that you went for it!

The seeming obstacles you may face along the way are simply opportunities to stretch yourself, to find out who you are and what you are really made of.

Anyone can be courageous when all seems clear. But how about when the path ahead seems dark. The real courage is to live your heart’s truth and go for your dream, even when you have no road map.

You have a responsibility to the dream that you were given.

You were chosen to fulfill it. Your dream chose you because you were the perfect person to fulfill it.

So no matter how tough it gets, keep the faith.

Do NOT give up on your dreams!


P.S. If you are ready to live your dreams now join me on the transformational journey of a lifetime July 4th-15th!!! Apply now!!!

P.P.S. What is your heartfelt dream? I would love to hear your thoughts below!