

Your “haters” are your souls opportunity to practice love.

They don’t really hate you.

It’s not personal, even though their energy is directed towards you.

If you are up to big things in life you will have “haters”. Make peace with this. Not everyone is going to like you, understand you, appreciate you, let alone love you.

Gandhi. Bruce Lee. Martin Luther King Jr. Mother Teresa. …They all had haters. Those people that didn’t like them were jealous or attacked them in some way.

You can give your power away to those that judge and attack you, but this is the victims path.

You can hide your light so that they don’t hate you, but that is the cowards path and serves no one.

You can meet hate with hate and stoop to the level of your haters, but all you do is bring yourself down. You might win the fight, but it is short lived and is certainly not worth your inner happiness or freedom.

No one is worth your happiness.

No one.

When you commit to putting yourself out there in the world it is a vulnerable thing. It is easy to sit back and judge those that are visible or in the public eye. It’s much harder to risk putting yourself and your gifts out there in the world.

As you do so everyone will have their own opinions about you. It’s ok, it’s just their opinion. Know that because someone feels a certain way about your art or expression does not mean they are right, it’s just their opinion.

They have a right to their opinion and you have a right to live your life in a way that is most authentic for you. At the end of the day it’s your life.

People will judge you based on their own conditioning and perceptions. This will determine how they see you, they can’t help it. So they often won’t really see you, they will see what they project.

So when your haters judge you, rather than waste your energy arguing with them, defending yourself or position which is futile, sometimes the best response is simply to say, “Thank you.”, “You are right.”…And simply keep living your life. You then give them nothing to hold onto or argue with, and they are left fighting with themselves.

The best response you can give your haters is to simply be the best you possible. Let how you live your life do your talking.

It’s not important what they think about you, but what YOU think about you. This is what counts.

You can focus on the smallness of what people say about you or you can focus on the bigness of your vision. When you are focused on your big vision you won’t have time to deal with trivial things. Have a vision so big that it requires all of you. Have a vision so big that the smallness of what your haters say or do isn’t in the least bit interesting.

Your haters give you the opportunity to dig deep within yourself and know who you are, for real. They give you the opportunity to connect to your own center, rather than seeking external validation.

You can see if there’s any truth to what they are saying. Perhaps the reason you are upset is something about what they said is true and you get to deal with it, embrace it, or change yourself for the better.

Rather than project hate back, offer love. When you respond with hate, you become a slave. When you choose to respond with love, you are free!

When you respond to your haters with love, they lose their power. They only have power if you give power to what they say. They only have as much power as you give them.

You always have a choice, it’s not always easy. That’s why there are few living Gandhi’s. You don’t respond back with love for the other persons sake, but ultimately out of your own commitment to your spiritual growth.

No matter what your haters do, when you respond with love, you grow and gain the benefits regardless.

No one can take away your freedom unless you allow it.

So love because it’s your commitment, rather than to get some response from anyone.

Real love knows no opposite. The opposite of hate is simply fear.

Love transcends hate. And in loving you set yourself free, as well as give your haters a simple invitation to remember who they really are.

This is alchemy.

Life is love school.

Your haters are your teachers.

Learn your lessons.

Love them.

Commit to love.

At the end of the day, that is all that matters.



P.S. If you feel ready to experience more freedom and love on every level, join me December 5th-16th at APPLY and watch the miracles happen!