
Suffering is caused by the story you make up about your reality.

What stories are you making up about yourself and your life?

What impact are they having?

Life isn’t suffering. Life simply IS.

It’s not what happens to you, but how you interpret and what you make it mean that causes you suffering.

Suffering is not a requirement.

Pain is inevitable and suffering is optional.

The story you make up about whatever is happening in your life creates your suffering.

You do not have to suffer unless you choose.

We sometimes become addicted to suffering as a false way to feel alive. Struggle becomes the drug of choice that we use for a cheap high.

From a young age we become conditioned and as a result disconnected from ourselves, our feelings, and our innate aliveness. Then as a way to FEEL, we often unconsciously create drama, struggle and suffering in an attempt to reconnect with this aliveness.

You suffer because:

  1. You forgot who you really are – that you are whole, perfect and complete. That you are a magnificent expression of the Divine thus start seeking outside for what you think will complete you. This is a never-ending quest, and only creates more suffering. Nothing outside can complete you.
  2. You resist reality – Fighting reality in an attempt to maintain control. Control is the master addiction. Trying to control life, people around you, much of which is not in your control, is a recipe for suffering. So focus only on what is actually in your control and learn to accept life as it is. Before you change your reality, you must first accept your current reality.
  3. Focusing on the past or the future – none of which is happening now. We beat ourselves up about our past which we can’t change, or we create negative future fantasies about the future which hasn’t happened and may never happen. We then experience the fear of the future fantasy in the present as though real. This only leads to suffering. So breathe and stay in the present moment.

Ultimately, suffering arises due to our fear of not being “Something” or “Someone”.

Struggle is often a way to reinforce the existence of “yourself” … your ego.

You do not need to suffer and struggle anymore. Suffering is not a reflection of how spiritual you are.

Life loves you unconditionally, exactly as you are in this very moment. You do not need to earn the love of the Universe or God.

You are enough exactly as you are.

So Surrender.

To surrender is to give up resisting life and let go of control. This can sometimes be scary because it requires that “you” dissolve. But when you surrender, you open yourself to be lived by that which is living everything.

Dare to be LIVED by life itself, then struggle ceases and Life moves through you in miraculous ways.



P.S. If you feel ready to go to the next level in your life, reclaim your power and live your true life’s purpose, join me on a life changing journey, on July 4-15, 2017.  Apply if you are ready.

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