
Relationship is about growth.

We come together in relationship with another for our evolution and growth.

The people you attract are simply mirror manifestations in that moment in time that reflect who you are.

Relationship is really not about the duration that you stay with someone, but the degree to which you both grow, evolve, and become more authentically your true Self.

Staying in a relationship where you are both no longer growing simply because that is the thing to do based on societal standards, or because you made a commitment years ago, is not success.

Who you are when you first met your partner won’t necessarily be who you will be a year from now, let alone 10 years from now.

Authenticity is to feel the depth of who you both are now, and fully be in the moment together with total honesty and love.

Then you can see if you are both still a vibrational match for each other today, not based on a commitment made years ago.

The real success of relationship isn’t simply how many years you have been with someone, but how much you grew and realized your authentic self.

Relationship is when you come together with a commitment to serve each other’s evolution and grow together in a similar direction at a similar pace.

The bottom-line commitment being, “I commit to serving your Soul’s growth.”

Once one of you no longer has that commitment and is clear about that, then you no longer have a relationship, even if you stay together physically.

As you both serve each other’s evolution and keep growing together, then your relationship can keep reinventing itself to higher levels, rather than staying a stale version of what was.

When one person stops growing or no longer has a commitment to serve the other, it begins to shift the dynamic.

The question to ask is simply, “Are we both growing as Souls, becoming more expanded, loving, and authentic versions of ourselves in this relationship?”

If the answer is no, and there is no more commitment to serve each other’s growth, then your relationship is over.

So long as there is a commitment to serving each other, even if it is challenging (which relationships can be), you can keep growing together.

Certain people show up in your life to simply serve a function of helping you see a part of yourself that you get to reclaim or heal.

It might last a few weeks, months, years or a lifetime. But you come together to learn those lessons, and once those lessons are complete. So is the relationship.

So feel into finding the form of the relationship that allows the greatest love to be expressed. Sometimes we stay together out of obligation, but that serves no one really, simply causing us to withhold love.

The truth serves all concerned, even if it might not seem that way at first. The truth will ultimately dissolve limits and cause expansion.

Sometimes breaking up the form and finding a new way of relating with your partner simply allows you to be able to love them without the limited expectations. 

Staying in a relationship when you are no longer in love, growing, or committed is living death.

As the form of your relationship changes, either through a break-up, divorce, or death, let the loving remain constant.

No forms last forever.

Only Love is real.

Just because a relationship ends does not mean the Loving needs to.

Be committed to the loving no matter what happens.

Then you are free.

The rest are just details.



P.S. Special Attention Women: Sign up today for a life-changing weekend seminar,, to understand men more deeply, and transform the hidden blocks that keep you from attracting the love you deserve. It’s a mind-blowing experience held in Los Angeles, CA on October 13-15th. Join me!!!

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