
Why am I not where I am supposed to be?

Why am I not further along in life?

These are all questions we have asked ourselves.

Get married by 25.

Have kids by 28.

Make a million by 30.

Be enlightened by 33.

The pressure you put on yourself to get to the place that you think you should be will rob you of the joy of fully experiencing where you are now.

It’s easy to buy into the trap that you aren’t where you are supposed to be in life.

But perhaps you are a late bloomer and haven’t achieved all of your goals by a certain time.

What if you were exactly where you were meant to be, doing exactly what you were meant to do?

It’s not about how fast you get to your goals. But the person you become in the process itself.

Sometimes you might have a vision of your life, but the truth is you are not fully ready to fulfill it even though you are seeing the possibility for yourself. And if it happened now or if your soulmate showed up this very second, it may not last.

The beauty of when things take time is it gives you the opportunity to learn, make mistakes, know who you really are, get your trial and error out of the way and be more ready for that moment your blessing walks into your life.

And you are much more likely to value and appreciate your blessing when it happens as well.

Many times we want things to happen now, but we simply aren’t “ripe” yet!

Sure you can force things to happen, but often what you end up getting won’t be as right for you as it could have been had you been patient.

Trust the timing of the universe, whilst doing everything in your power to be ready.

Trust that when things don’t happen at the exact timing you want, there is something even more amazing being prepared for you by the universe.

Trust that you are always on time. And the delays of the universe are not the denial of the universe. Ultimately what is truly yours is truly yours, and nothing can take it from you. And what isn’t yours cannot be yours.

Long before you were born, the universe has been in existence and will be long after you leave this planet.

You can stress along the way, but that won’t move you forward any faster. Rather celebrate each moment and savor it since you will never get it back.

Trust bigger than your mind. Your soul has a bigger intelligence than your mind. There is always a SOUL-ution even if you can’t see it this second.

Life is not a race but a moment to moment celebration to be lived fully and enjoyed.

Trust life.



P.S. If you feel ready to go to the next level in your life, reclaim your power and live your true life’s purpose, join me on a life changing journey, #11! Apply if you are ready!

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