
Have you ever wanted something so badly and no matter what you tried to do, it still didn’t work?

Sometimes when things don’t work out the way you planned, it’s a blessing in disguise, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.

We often have an idea of what we want and what we think will be best for us. We often want what we want when we want it.

It can be frustrating when things don’t go according to plan. Especially when you try everything in your power to make it happen.

Your mind may want certain things in life, but sometimes your soul actually longs for something different, deeper, and more aligned.

Just because you want a certain outcome doesn’t mean it’s actually the best thing for your soul’s growth and evolution. Your soul has an intelligence beyond the mind.

You incarnated into this human experience in order to learn lessons, to grow and evolve. There may be experiences that you need to go through in order to grow and become the highest version of yourself.

You may not be able to see it in the very moment, but if you are willing to trust, life will show you the reason things didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. Trust that there is always a reason.

Trust that when things don’t work out how you want them to, they are working out exactly how they are meant to for your highest growth. Be open to the possibility that they are working out better than you can imagine.

So when what you do doesn’t seem to work out, rather than feeling disempowered, become curious and open. Ask yourself:

What better thing could possibly be seeking to unfold here?

What is my soul wanting to learn through this experience?

When things don’t work out according to plan, you can give up and take it as a sign that what you are working on isn’t really meant to be.

Or you can use it as an opportunity to double check that the goal you are working on is truly authentic and then recommit.

Either way you can use the result as feedback from life and course correct accordingly.

Life doesn’t always give you what you wanted. But I believe that it gives you what you most need in order to become who you are meant to be.

Your responsibility is to do your very best and give 100% in all that you do. The rest is up to the universe.

Trust life.

Let go of control.

Surrender to the highest good.

You can’t always control the outcomes of life, but you can control how much you love.

So no matter what happens, love fully.



P.S. If you are ready to share your gifts with the world and live your purpose fully, join me at Apply today for an interview!

P.P.S. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!