
What if I told you that thinking positively and doing your affirmations were not enough to manifest your desires?

You don’t get what you want, you get what you are.

Your job isn’t to make or force something to happen, your job is to clear away anything within yourself that is keeping you stuck.

When you clear away whatever is not in alignment with your truth, you bring yourself into the flow of life.

Often we hold onto things that are not working or old relationships because we get comfortable.

Holding onto what isn’t working is your affirmation in the lack of trust in the universe. And you will attract more of what you don’t want.

Holding onto what is no longer working out of fear simply blocks the manifestation of what you do want.

So ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is longer aligned in my life and what do I need to let go of?
  2. Who in my life is no longer a vibrational match that I need to bless and release?
  3. What is it costing me to hold on to that which isn’t working?

If something isn’t truly working, have the courage to let it go.

If a relationship is no longer a vibrational match, release it and make room in your life and heart for more love.

The universe is abundant, and if you want the next level, you must make space in your life for the next level.

You can’t receive the next level whilst holding onto the old.

When you let go of the old, you make space for the new to show up in your life.

Manifesting your goals is really about ALIGNMENT.

Honestly, acknowledge where you are not aligned, when you shift and bring yourself back into alignment, the Universe can unfold it’s magic.



P.S. If you feel ready to go to the next level in your life, reclaim your power and live your true life’s purpose, join me on a life-changing journey, Apply if you are ready.

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