
Regret is a killer.

It robs you of your peace in the moment and limits your ability to create a fresh future.

Regret is that feeling when you look back from your future and wish you had done it differently.

We have all done things that we felt bad about and judged ourselves for from the past.

Whether it was:

Bad relationship choices.

The way you handled a break up.

Unwise financial decisions.

What are you still judging yourself for?

What regrets do you still have?

Maybe you have been holding yourself hostage, thinking you are a bad person or that God is judging you?

Consider this:

God doesn’t forgive. Because God never judged you.

And if this is so, then why are you still judging you?

Judging what you did in the past keeps you stuck in the past. You can’t change the past no matter how much you judge.

Holding yourself a prisoner to your past only robs you of your present and limits your ability to create your future.

You are human and it’s inevitable that you will make “mistakes”. Your soul incarnated onto this planet to learn, grow and evolve. The way you grow is through experiences and lessons.

If you were going to do life perfectly you wouldn’t need to be here.

You might think that you made mistakes, but they were simply the learning that your soul needed to go through to become more of who you really are.

Judging yourself is a waste of time, as it doesn’t change what happened in the past. Rather than wallow in judgment, learn the lesson. And commit to changing your actions from this moment forward.

Realize that you did the best that you knew how to do at that time given.

No matter how bad your behavior was, underlying every behavior is a positive intention. When you acknowledge the underlying positive of your past behaviors rather than judge, you begin the path of self-forgiveness.


  1. Take responsibility for your actions.
  2. Learn and integrate the lessons.
  3. Make amends to those that you hurt.
  4. Forgive yourself.
  5. Take new actions consistent with your authentic truth.

You hold the lock and you hold the key to your freedom. Your past doesn’t have to determine your future.

Each day life is loving you unconditionally. The sun and moon shines on you. The air blesses you freely. Life doesn’t discriminate, it just loves you as you are.

No one can forgive you… only you can do it.

Forgive yourself. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself.



P.S. If you feel ready to go to the next level in your life, reclaim your power and live your true life’s purpose, join me on a life-changing journey, Apply if you are ready.

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