
We all have things that we want to manifest in life.

What is it for you?

More money?

A new car?

A dream job?

A loving relationship?

A best selling book?

We often work so hard to try and manifest these goals only to have them sometimes elude us.

There are so many books today teaching techniques about manifesting your dreams.

Do this meditation.

Say that mantra.

Rub this oil on your forehead.

What if the idea that YOU had to manifest your goal, was the very thing that was blocking it from happening in your life?

What if there was actually nothing for you to manifest or make happen?

Everything is already manifested in the Universe. Life was here before you were born and will be here after you die. Life itself has an intelligence.

Encoded in your authentic heartfelt dreams are the seeds for its fulfillment already. Your dreams have in fact chosen you as the person to fulfill them.

Simply say “Yes” to being used as a vehicle for the manifestation of that vision in this world. It’s when you say “Yes” with your entire being that the power of the Universe will manifest through you.

Consider this:

Your job is simply to clear away within yourself whatever limited thinking, emotional blocks, and old belief systems that might cause you to be less than open and receptive.

The more you let go of your limitations, internal blocks, the more clear you become as a vessel for the Universe to flow through.

As you do this, you will be used by the Universe in ways beyond your wildest imagination.

This is what Gandhi. Mother Teresa. Jesus. Buddha. Martin Luther King did. This is why miracles happened around them and they were used to impact humanity.

They didn’t do it.

Life did it through them.

They were available.

Rather than trying to make something happen, or force life to give you what you think you want, simply: SURRENDER.

Surrender is the master KEY to manifesting what you REALLY want.

Don’t get me wrong, you can manifest wonderful things with your willpower and concentration of your own mind. But what you will manifest will often be within certain limits of your conditioning.

When you truly surrender yourself to the intelligence of Life, you tap into something much bigger than your limited ego’s perception.

The Ego only thinks it knows what it wants or what is best for you. However, your soul REALLY knows.

Sometimes not getting what you thought you wanted is simply the grace and love of the Universe at work in your life. It’s often only months or years later that you might look back at what you thought you wanted only to say, “Thank God that DIDN’T manifest in my life!”

Just because you didn’t manifest your vision or goal doesn’t mean you did it wrong, or that you failed. It’s simply the universe giving you feedback.

If outer experience is a reflection of inner reality then your job is not to control and change what’s out there, but firstly to change your beliefs, emotions, stories, and conditioning within yourself.

Trust life.

Trust your soul’s wisdom.

Trust bigger than your mind.

So let your intention be “The HIGHEST GOOD” in any given moment, situation, or relationship.

Then you get yourself out of the way, bringing yourself into the flow that is always happening, and allow the grace and infinite creativity of the universe to bring about the most aligned outcomes that your soul needs to experience at this time.

If you carry anger, resentment, self hate, sadness, regardless of what positive images you might visualize with your mind, you will tend to attract and manifest the similar vibration in the form of people, events, and situations in your life.

So rather than fight to change your outer circumstances first.

You manifest what you are. If you don’t like what’s showing up, change yourself and watch what shows up change.

Begin by withdrawing. Go within and becoming still. Clear away your inner blockages. And as you do so, you will raise your energy to a higher level.

Then you can reengage and enter the world, more powerfully aligned with the source of your unlimited power. You will vibrate at a different and higher frequency than your past situation and as a result what shows up in your life has to change to meet you.

Life was never meant to be a struggle, rather an adventure of discovering more of who you really are.

So just chill. Get yourself out the way and Surrender. Show up and serve with an open heart.

Rather than focusing on “What can I get?”, ask yourself, “How can I be of the highest service to life and those around me?”

When you surrender and serve, everything that you need for your highest destiny will unfold with synchronicity and wonder.

Surrender and watch the miracles manifest in your life.




P.S. If you are ready to manifest miracles in your life, and live your life’s purpose, join me at , December 5-16th, with amazing visionaries from around the world. APPLY today!