
What is scarier than death???

Speaking in public is said to be the #1 fear we have as human beings!

Speaking in public is a form of death of the ego. It requires risk, putting yourself on the line and courage.

It can be vulnerable, even terrifying, to put yourself out there and share your heart and message with an audience in such an open way.

Having spoken in large audiences since I was eight years old, I have found that fear of speaking in public arises when you are so fixated on yourself, how you will look, and be perceived.

The more you are seeking acceptance, love and validation from the outside, the more fear you will have inside yourself. The more self-conscious you will be.

A key to overcoming fear of speaking in public is the radical loving of yourself in private. The degree to which you love and accept yourself in private is the degree to which you will be free in public, whether it’s speaking in front of 5 people or 500.

Self-love and acceptance is the foundation.

Accept who you are and who you aren’t, knowing that you are OK exactly as you are at this stage of your journey in life.

The more you accept yourself fully, the more free you will be to speak and share authentically, not to get anything in return but simply because there is a pure message that your heart must express.

You communicate in order to communicate.

When you aren’t trying to get anything from your audience, there is an inner freedom. As you love yourself, you have the power to unhook yourself from both positive and negative opinions of others, then you are free and self-fulfilled.

Before you speak, give up control. Out of fear, we attempt to control people’s opinions of us. This is a recipe for misery and anxiety, not just as a speaker but in life.

So make peace before you speak that you cannot control what people are going to think about you and your speech. They will judge you and form their own opinions based on their own filters, that ultimately have nothing to do with you!  If there are 100 people listening, there will be 100 opinions of you. It’s just the way it is.

People’s judgments of you reflect more about them than you. Just because they feel a certain way about you and your speech doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s just their reality.

Your responsibility is to make sure that you do the absolute best you can and give 100%. This is all you can do. This is your part.

THEN, it’s also important to remember that it is not about YOU. It’s about your audience and adding as much value as you possibly can to their lives.

It’s about serving them fully.

So take the focus off of yourself. And put your attention on your message and the commitment to changing the lives of the people in your audience. Be more committed to this than anything else.

After giving thousands of speeches throughout my life, I feel that the best speeches aren’t about trying to give the best speech. The best speeches happen when you simply be yourself.

Stop copying someone else’s style, formula, system, and simply dare to be yourself fully. Even if the speech itself is a little rough around the edges. People will feel you and your authenticity, and this is what will touch their hearts and what they will remember.

People will often forget your words after some time. But what will stay with them is the feeling they experienced in your talk.

It’s not about doing it perfectly. People won’t know if you did it perfectly according to what you had planned. They have no idea.

Don’t just speak TO people, speak through people. You can speak to their minds. But this will only have a limited impact. Speak through people directly to their souls.

Trust that there is deep wisdom already inside you that will express exactly in the way that is most needed in the moment. Trust bigger than your mind. Trust the intelligence of your heart to speak. Trust the impulse in your heart to share a message in the first place. Trust your soul to speak through you.

There are people in the world waiting for you, and need to hear your unique message in only the way you can share it.

As you stand in front of your audience to speak, your job is simply to LOVE them. Feel their hearts. Appreciate their vulnerabilities. Remember the child inside of them. See who they really are. This is the real gift you give.

Each person in your audience is YOU. And you are THEM.

As you remember that you are ONE, then all fear drops away and you speak from love. It’s not so much what you say, but what is happening in the silence in between your words. Then the words you speak are just an excuse and the vessel to carry the energy of your heart.

Then there is no speaker.

No audience spoken to.

No speaking.

Only love expressing itself.



P.S.  If you are ready to love your purpose fully and share your message with the world, join me on the transformational journey of a lifetime,, Dec 5-16.  APPLY now if you feel ready!