Seeking perfection is a waste of time.

You will not find it in other people, in yourself, or in the world.

The world is an imperfect place.

Full of ups and downs.

Lefts and rights.

Holy sights.

And Dark nights.

The more you can accept the world as it is and as it isn’t, the more peace you will experience.

We often think that we need to be perfect in order to be loved.

We learn this as children.

We create a “perfect image” that we think we need to live up to, and try to fit ourselves into that.

What is it for you?

If I am more:










The list is endless!

The media tries to hypnotize us into thinking that “You are not enough as you are”. Thus fueling a desire to sell you all sorts of products to attain the impossible perfection.

You will never be perfect. You were not meant to be perfect.

What makes you unique are a combination of your experiences, challenges, quirks, gifts, mistakes, and imperfections.

We sometimes mistakenly think that the goal is perfection. There is a fear that if people know who you really are, then they won’t love you. So we learn to hide or suppress our true feelings, and parts of ourselves that we deem unlovable.

What ways are you hiding?

The drive for perfection creates stress, inauthenticity, and suffering.

The real goal about loving and having compassion for where you are at and where you are not.

When you can embrace that you will never be a perfect person. A perfect mother. Wife. Husband. Daughter. Son. It frees you up to accept who you are now. This acceptance is a profoundly healing energy that transforms you.

As you embrace your quirks, flaws, idiosyncrasies a magical freedom will be yours. The freedom to be all of yourself. You are what you are in this moment of your evolution.

The more you can love your imperfections, the more space there will be for your perfection to blossom. The more you can love your darkness the more space there will be for your Light to shine.

Sometimes we think that “When I am healed and perfect then I can really live my life’s purpose or love.”

This is not true.

Exactly as you are, and as you are not. You can give your gifts. If you wait until you reach some special point of perfection, you will be waiting your entire life. As you share your love and give your gifts to the world. There are many people who need to hear your message in the unique way that only you can offer it.

Know this:

No matter what you have done.

No matter what mistakes you made.

No matter how dark your past was.

No matter how much you feel you have failed.

No matter what people said about you.

No matter what.

Who you really are at the very core is PERFECT, whole and complete. At the depth of your BEING you always were and always will be perfect.

You are already perfect exactly as you are and exactly as you are not.

Nothing can change the TRUTH.



P.S. If you feel ready to break FREE for REAL and dive into living your destiny. Join me on the most amazing adventure of a life time