
It takes no courage to fit in, be mediocre, play small and settle.

It takes real courage to be who you really are in this crazy world.

It takes real courage to follow your dreams, and live your heart.

You have to be a little “crazy” to not just follow the herd, but live the truth that you know and feel deep inside, even when all those around you try to convince you otherwise.

It takes courage to turn left when all are turning right.

It takes courage to trust your heart even when you cannot see what’s in sight.

It takes courage to go for your dream even when there is great risk and no guarantee.

It takes real courage to really live this life.

So, I say…

To those that try to brainwash you saying “You will never make it”…

Ignore them.

To those that try to tell you your dreams are not realistic or practical…

Bless them.

To those that discourage you with their constant negativity, and try to give you reasons why your vision cannot be achieved…

Love them.

To those that abuse you and belittle you…

Forgive and release them.

To those that encourage you to give up and settle for a safe life of comfort and survival…

Smile to them.

When you dare to stand in the bigness of your Soul. Your light will shine. There will be those that cannot handle this. Since it reflects to them where they are playing small. Know that your reflection is ultimately a gift to them reminding them of their own greatness.

Don’t let those that haven’t done what you dream of doing stop you.

Don’t let those that haven’t seen what you have in your deepest visions cloud you.

Don’t let those that are simply sitting on their asses and merely talking prevent you from taking action.

Don’t let those that don’t really care rob you of following your meaningful life’s purpose.

Don’t let those that call you crazy keep you from believing.

The road won’t always be easy. You will face all kinds of challenges on the journey of living your destiny. Some days will seem like long nights. There will be moments that you question your sanity. Sometimes those you love will disappoint you and leave. And some mountains may seem insurmountable. But know that the moment you take one step towards your dream or vision an entire army of angels and unseen forces are supporting you along the way.

You are not alone.

You have been chosen by your vision to be the one to fulfill it in this world.

The Universe is waiting for you to stop waiting for it.

The Universe is ready already.

So, keep on.

Giving up is the easy way out, a kind of death whilst alive by not having to risk the uncertainty of life for the illusory certainty of your safe zone.

What is certain is that Life is uncertain, and if you wait for that special moment to give your gift then you risk the gift that this moment is offering you right now.

The only guarantee is now.

The time for merely reading the holy texts, worshipping great saints, praying in sacred temples, or sitting in ivory towers theorizing is over.

The time for living your love and giving your gifts is now.

This is a time for action.

More than ever the world is in need of leaders.

A new kind of leader.

Those that dare to lead with love radically.

Those that boldly live with integrity and walk their talk.

Those that are courageous enough to face their fears and love their demons.

Those that are crazy enough to dream and rise above the so called “impossible”.

You are Bright

You are magnificent.

You are Divine.

Yet sometimes we play small and hide our light, convincing ourselves that it is failure we are afraid of, when it is success.

We are in fact afraid of how big and magnificent we really are.

So in an elaborate effort we find ways to sabotage, distract, keep ourselves busy, pretend, all in an effort to not be our true bigness.

A true leader is a servant who knows that when you receive a big vision surrendering to Life itself is the key to it’s fulfillment.

The more you get your “self” out of the way, the more space there is for your spirit to soar.

The perfect time is now.

The perfect sign is life.

The perfect person is you.

So stop waiting for the world.

The world is waiting for you.



P.S. If you are ready to breakthrough your limitations, and catapult yourself into living your destiny, join me on the one of a kind journey of a lifetime.