
Thank YOU.



Perhaps two of the most potent words you could say.

As powerful as any mantra, prayer, poem, affirmation, or chant.

If all you did was say a heartfelt  “Thank you” each moment of your life to everyone you met, miracles would occur.

“Thank you” melts hearts. Let’s people feel loved and appreciated. End wars. Start new friendships. Create smiles.

The more you give thanks, the more you will have to give thanks about in your life. It’s been said that “What you think about expands”.  I like to say “What you THANK about expands.”

It is easy to say “Thank you” to those you like and are kind to you. But what about those that upset you and aren’t so nice. They give you the gift of the opportunity to practice your prayers and live your spirituality for real.

It is easy to say “Thank you” to those that give you what you want, when you want it. But what about those that don’t. They give you the opportunity to find out what you really need, what most serves your highest path and to be who you really are.

It is easy to say “Thank you” to those that love you. But what about those that have broken your heart and betrayed you. They give you the opportunity to forgive, keep your heart open, and practice unconditional loving.

The more you can thank those people and situations that challenge you, acknowledging that they served you in your growth of becoming more of who you really are, then you are free.

What you cannot THANK has you, owns you, and  controls you. What you cannot THANK you give power to.

When you can truly thank the person or situation, then you liberate yourself from bondage of the story, situation itself, and step into a new level of freedom. You step outside of the prison of the situation into the freedom of BEING.

Gandhi dared to live Thank you.

Jesus dared to live Thank you.

Mandela dared to live Thank you.

Martin Luther King Jr dared to live Thank you.

So live THANK YOU. Not simply as something to say on special occasions, but as a daily spiritual practice. The more you can live in thanks, the more of life itself becomes available for you to experience. There is so much to experience in any given moment that we often miss, because we might be busy judging ourselves, another person, or the moment itself.

Every situation and relationship has a lesson for you that will help you to become more of who you are meant to be. It’s just that sometimes the gift comes wrapped in challenge, or crisis. You must be courageous enough to unwrap it.

Learn the lesson.

Let go of who and what no longer serves you.

Dare to love in spite of it all.

Who do you need to THANK? What do you need to say?

What are you taking for granted about yourself or your life?

If you don’t know where to start, begin with you.

Thank YOU.



Sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do.

Real heroes are not angels in the sky. But you and I. That dare to wake up every day and despite the challenges you might face, or the hardships that confront you. You still step upon this earth, in the arena of life with dignity, resilience, and courage.

Thank YOU for all the times you may have felt like giving up but didn’t.

It inspires me.

Thank YOU for choosing to be alive at this amazing time in human history.

We get to share in the magic and celebrate.

Thank YOU for serving as an incredible reflection of who I really am.

I get to remember myself in you.

So: Life might give you what you want. Life might not give you what you want. But you can always give life who you are.

Thank YOU for being YOU.



P.S. If you feel ready to expand into the your greatness and catapult your life to the net level on all levels, and live your true destiny join me on July 4-15th,  for an 11 day life changing journey unlike any other.

We have a few spaces left. If you feel moved APPLY NOW! Leap!

P.P.S. I would love to hear who and what you want to say “Thank you” to in the comments below! Let me know!