
We all die.

It’s the only guarantee in life.

Whether you are rich or poor.

Black or white.

Saint or sinner.

That moment will come, and none of us know when it will be.

The only way to deal with death is to DEAL with death.

Look it in the eye.

Face it.

Embrace it.

Make it your friend.

Stop running from it.

It’s when you make peace with death that it frees you up to live life fully with no regrets. It’s when you embrace death that you embrace life.

When you know who you really are, you realize that the real YOU cannot die.

We are all souls on a journey, learning lessons and in the process of evolving. Perhaps, death is not an end, but a graduation that your soul has completed what it needs to learn and experience in this lifetime.

What if death wasn’t the cause for sadness but celebration instead, where you got to celebrate the soul journey of those you love.

Death is simply a transition to a new adventure and expression.

You are Infinite.

You are not simply the body. You are the pure consciousness living and breathing it, beyond form.

All physical forms change. Life is a continuous process of creation and destruction. The new becomes old, the old is destroyed and born anew into another form. This cycle is continuous in life. It is the law of nature.

You might drop the body, but your Soul simply continues it’s journey in another dimension.

It’s never easy when someone you love dies. It can be quite painful and to feel sadness and grief is natural.

Sometimes we are angry at first or go into denial in order to not feel the loss.

When a loved one dies, it’s important to give yourself permission to feel the emotions of grief and sadness that might naturally arise. They will come up in waves, it’s normal.

To honor and let yourself feel all that you feel is also to honor your connection with your loved one. It’s by doing that that you can also let them go.

Ultimately, even though their bodies are gone, the love and connection you have with them remain inside your heart forever. At the deepest level, you will always be connected. At the deepest level of soul, you are One with them and can never lose them, as they are a part of you.

Their bodies might die but their spirits are eternal.

The form of your relationship might change, but your love is unchanging.

The best way that you can honor the life of your loved ones that have passed away is not to wallow in sadness and regret forever, but in living your life as fully and authentically as possible.

Since those you love impacted you deeply, they will also live on through you and the love you spread each day.

So the question is:

How will you live?


Water cannot wet you.

Fire cannot burn you.

You are Infinite.



P.S. If you are ready to love your life’s purpose and calling, as well as breakthrough to your next level, join me:, December 5-16, 2014.  APPLY NOW !!